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This document, brought to you by Servum, LLC, explains the benefits of Intel Unite® and provides a customer story of how Intel Unite is helping educators and students collaborate more efficiently in today’s learning spaces.

View: Customer Story: Intel Unite® Solution Improves Access for Students, Teachers, and Guest Lecturers

This flyer showcases the many ways to use Microsoft’s Surface Pro 7+, a flexible device designed with the needs of the modern worker in mind. To learn more, contact Servum, LLC.

View: Meet Surface Pro 7+

This blog post explains that cutting-edge security solutions from Allied Telesis can help industrial organizations establish the robust protection they need for their IIoT networks. Please contact Servum, LLC for more information about Allied Telesis’s cutting-edge security solutions specifically designed for the IIoT.

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This flyer showcases the many ways to use Microsoft’s Surface Pro 7+, a flexible device designed with the needs of the modern worker in mind. To learn more, contact Servum, LLC.

View: Meet Surface Pro 7+

This solution brief outlines the need for powerful hardware at Jonathan Bird Productions, and it discusses how the HP Z820’s performance drastically cut production times for this filmmaker. To learn more, please contact Servum, LLC today.

View: Jonathan Bird Productions

This eBrochure discusses the MultiConnect® eCell, MultiConnect® microcell, and MultiConnect® rCell 600 Series, which are designed to connect new and legacy assets to dedicated, mission-critical private LTE and neutral host public access CBRS networks. Please contact Servum, LLC for more information about MultiTech’s solutions for LTE network connectivity.

View: Private LTE

This flyer showcases the many ways to use Microsoft’s Surface Pro 7+, a flexible device designed with the needs of the modern worker in mind. To learn more, contact Servum, LLC.

View: Meet Surface Pro 7+

As societies and workplaces become more digitized, our culture does, too. This daily interaction with technology engenders fascination and speculation about the role devices and technological advancements will play in our societies’ future. Some—if not most— of these assumptions are based on artistic portrayals of the future of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), and they are often far from providing an accurate representation of what actually awaits us in the realm of AI and machine learning.

Read this article to uncover the truth behind 12 misconceptions about AI and get a more accurate view of the present and future capabilities of this technology.

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This video shows how easy it is to deploy Cisco Security—as well as manage it from the cloud, without onsite IT personnel. For more information about Cisco work from home solutions, please contact Servum, LLC.

This video shows how easy it is to deploy Cisco Security—as well as manage it from the cloud, without onsite IT personnel. For more information about Cisco work from home solutions, please contact Servum, LLC.